This collection of videos contains some of our commercials as seen on ESPN, MLB Network, and some trade shows over the past few years.Assembly Video
Our assembly video is the first one listed. Use it as a guide to follow when erecting your cage. Also we have still photos of the assembly process. Click here to see that album.Commercials
We recently completed a video done by Video Shopping. It is pretty well done, I believe. In addition, there are a few commercials of HD quality. Several of these videos ran on national TV on ESPN and MLB a few years ago. Next, a client from Puerto Rico submitted several videos using the cage. Some are several minutes long, no talking, just the sound of the bat. We picked one for you to get the idea. The second to last one listed is a school project by some Mass Comm students at NNU, where I taught mathematics for 27 years. It was missing and I recently found it. It is a copy, so not the best quality. But I think they did a reasonably good job. Finally, a client from Portage, MI submitted a brief video of our cage being used indoors.YouTube
These can be found on YouTube also. Here is our channel. Hope you enjoy.A 2 minute video of the assembly process with some hitting at the end. With new Wheelhouse Batting Cages logo.
A recent (05/09/2017) YouTube commercial done by Video Shopping. Shows our cage in variety of uses indoors, outdoors and for travel teams.
Wheelhouse - Quit Chasing the Ball, 3rd commercial
- 60 seconds
Wheelhouse - Quit Chasing the Ball, 3rd commercial
- 30 seconds
Wheelhouse - Quit Chasing the Ball, 2nd commercial
Wheelhouse - Quit Chasing the Ball, 1st commercial
Here is a Cages*Plus client in Puerto Rico with 40' batting cage.
Cages*Plus 30 Second Commercial - 2009
Our original commercial. Updated to have our new brand name
Wheelhouse Batting Cages at the end
A 1 minute 30 second spot we did on The Women's Entertainment Network:
Weekend Makeover.
Dream Big
A 30 second spot mass comm students from NNU did for a school project.
A brief video supplied by customer showing indoor use from Portage, MI