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Cages Plus Reviews

Some Testimonials

Phoenix AZ Below are some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from our clients. We add to this list regularly, come back from time to time to check on any new additions. Recently we went through and culled them and now show just some of the most recent ones. Some interesting history. We have sold our cages in all 50 states and abroad, including countries such as: Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands Antilles, New Zealand, Norway, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, and the Virgin Islands. I'll admit it's gratifying to hear the kind words. One of the nicest testimonials came from a client in Phoenix, AZ. They bought the batting cage as a Christmas gift and hand wrote the letter and sent along a picture of their child in the cage. It had a large red ribbon on it. Hundreds of our clients have also provided images along with their testimonies. Check them out on the Client Snapshot page. We have tried to arrange them by state. A major goal for us is to provide excellent customer service. Based on these testimonials, we think it shows. A few kids got full ride scholarships. Some parents were able to get their kids to do their homework - as a retired teacher I'm particularly proud of those. A lot of them just got better at hitting. Enjoy. We do not give out personal information. However, if you want to know if we have sold a cage in your area or want to talk to a client in your area, let us know. We get permission from the client first, then you can contact them if you want.

Chris C

Setauket, NY

Thank you for the expedited service. We had the cage up in no time and even got a few buckets of balls in before dark. Chris C

Donn C

Portage, MI

I set the cage up today for the first time. Although it’s not difficult, the first time is always a challenge. I have to tell you how happy I am, the other coaches and the girls are. It’s a great investment and I am hoping the girls’ improvement over the winter will be phenomenal! Thank you so much. It’s great to be a King!
Customer Video

Christopher C

Charlotte, NC

Oh…wow!! Thank you. We love the cage. It works great. It’s been such a big part of our lives. My son and I have a blast. Every day the weather permits, we’re getting reps in. The design is perfect. Christopher C

Jamie H

Oak Creek, WI

Good afternoon Bob, thank you again for all the help as you can see the cage was put right to use. It was very easy to set up for my 13 year old son and I. Thank you again!! Jamie H

Joel D

Glen Rock, NJ

Thanks Bob. We replaced our old net today. Thanks again.It is a great product! Joel D.

Matt C

Point Pleasant Boro, NJ

The cage has been great. My 15 year old son has been using it everyday. The 40 foot cage is a perfect fit for my backyard. I am truly impressed with the design, stability, and efficiency of the product. Thank-you. -Matt C. –

Thomas L

Easly, SC

ME to Thomas: We shipped your connectors Wednesday, September 23. The tracking number is XXXX-XXXX. Thanks for your order. /Bob DeCloss P.S. I searched my database and found a Tom L from Easley, SC but a different address. It was for a 1570 and dated back in 2001. Is that you? I haven’t carried the #15 for quite some time! In fact most of the netting manufacturers stopped making it. Thomas to ME: That is my dad. I used that cage back when I was a kid through high school and he gave it to me for my son to use. I just needed to add a few connectors because a few he had were in rough shape. The net is still in good shape! ME to Thomas: Oh, my goodness! Amazing. Is it still “blue” in color? Probably faded by now. This has to be a first and I need to retire, again! I taught college for 27 years and when I started getting kids of students I had had earlier, I decided it was time. Now I’m getting kids whose kids used our cages. That’s actually kind of cool. Hope he enjoys it as much as my son and I did when we first started out. Good luck. Thomas to ME: Pretty cool right?! I had no clue he still had it until a few months ago. It’s more of a dark grey color now. It really speaks to the quality of your products! It’s had thousands of balls hit in it and surely will have thousands more as my son is only 8. He’s chomping at the bit to get it up…and so am I.

Christopher F

Meraux, LA

Just wanted to let you know I ordered one of your batting cages and it is great. We’ve been using it daily and the kids love it. We staked it down to avoid be tipped over by heavy winds. It’s working out great only wished I would have gotten one sooner. CF

Scott D


It is dark outside and both boys are just finishing up in the cage for the day. Prior to the cage, they would be deep into Fortnite right now. We are less than one week in so let’s hope this daily unprompted activity holds up! My wife and I assembled the cage in ~90 minutes. It’s the 50-footer and perfect size for high school freshman and seventh grader. We have it tied down on the ends for wind. I would recommend this product to anyone in the market for a home cage. Thank you so much. SD

Silvio A

San Bruno, CA

Hi, I talked to you today but you were driving so I thought email would be more efficient. My son and I have enjoyed your batting cage for over Five years, but it’s time to hand it over to a friend. I need to replace one “T” connector for the “L” screen and I could not find it on your web site. Can you please ship me one (and also about 10 screws). I must say that it was emotional for me and my boy to take down the cage…we had so many great memories with it!

Dave B

North Andover, MA

HI Bob, Thanks for the quick response. That is the correct address. The scrap will work for both my cage and the ones that are at the softball fields for the girls program. I don’t think I need a panel just yet – I actually shortened my backyard cage to 60 feet this year so I can cut sections off the part that’s sitting on the ground if I need a bigger area. Most of the holes are small and the scrap will probably be all I need. I love the cage by the way, I’ve used it every year with my son and 2 daughters, and for my men’s baseball team (40+ hardball league). Best Regards, DB

Todd M

Location here

Good morning, Thought I would give you a quick update/review on the product. We have used it almost daily for the past 2 weeks. I already had a Jugs Lite Flight pitching machine, which works great with the cage (and my arm) as the balls are not super heavy and the net catches them really good. My 3 kids between 6-11 have taken 100-150 swings per day and I can already see a huge improvement in their swings and power. Had to take it down during a really bad wind storm/monsoon and am looking for ways to secure it to the ground. It wasn’t bad taking down one side and letting it sit like a Tee Pee until the weather cleared up. Very Happy with the decision to purchase! Thanks!

James K

Soldotna, AK

Hello, So far the cage has been fantastic. Set up was simple and it has worked perfectly in our back yard. Already we have been able to get our gals in for off season work. One thing that did arise is one of the connectors was missing a screw. I was able to use that section for one of the legs so I seems like the weight of net and gravity is holding it up. Is there a replacement screw I could get? Thanks! I will make sure I leave comments on your site soon

Brent G

Oklahoma City, OK

We received the netting, thank you. It is working great.

Jamie C

Newburyport, MA

Hi Bob, I was looking through my records and cannot find and invoice for our purchase of this cage to get reimbursed from the league. Can you please email it over to me? BTW – The case was a huge hit with the kids and seemed really good quality. Time to dismattle and store for the winter… Best regards,

Jeff S

West Haven, CT

Cage looks great and works perfect… small problem, a connector broke nut broke when ratcheting into place. [Sorry about that. I can send a new one. Is it a side connector (a 4 way) or a corner (3 way)? Address I have on file is: XXXX Is that still correct? Thanks for the video, that is great! Can I use it? /Bob DeCloss] Yes.. it is a side connector… yes definitely use the video. When I do the spring yard clean up and the sun isn’t causing a glare, I’ll send some pics.. the address is the same thank you very much.

CT Customer Video

Eric S

Birmingham, AL

Thank you Bob. The first cage was incredible. It lasted my oldest son 8 years. He is now heading to college where he will continue his baseball career. The cage and all the time we spent in it is a primary reason why. Now I need to replace it for my younger son who has another 4 years of high school ball in front of him. ES

Tug C

Portland, OR

Bob, We put the batting cage together this weekend. Very happy with the product. It installed as advertised. First time doing it, we had the 70’ version up in about 25 minutes with my 13 & 10 yrs old sons. Kids have been in it every free moment. Thank you, TC

David W

Gig Harbor, WA

Thanks Bob. We received the cage. It’s great. Any word on the pitching machine? Thanks!

Mike C

Crown Point, IN

Bob, I have had my cage up for about 3 weeks now. I must say it is fabulous. I have a 14 year old baseball player and 12 year old softball player using it daily. We have found it to be all that is advertised and more. The ball really dies when hitting the net. We are able to get tee work in, front toss, and live throwing BP with the 50′ cage. It was really easy to setup for the three of us and only took about 20 minutes. I was concerned with wind and have not had any problems thus far. The ball also deadens nicely when hitting the supports, it doesn’t ricochet like most cages we have used. I attached a picture of my setup with my two kids and my nephew using it. MC

Mark S

Priest River, ID

Bob, I just wanted to write and let you know how pleased I am with the batting cage and screens that I recently purchased from you. The quality is outstanding! Assembly of the screens and cage are extremely easy and very sturdy. Your communication and purchase process was timely and very smooth. I would recommend doing business with you, and your company, to anyone who needed your product. Thank you again for helping me to improve our program! Sincerely, MS Head Baseball Coach Priest River Lamanna High School

Clint S

Hurley, SD

Received 6/22/2016: We bought a wheelhouse 2 months ago. Best thing we did. Great cage for everyone. Just had 70 mph wind last weekend. Never bothered it at all. Love it. Received 4/18/2016: Got it up at boys are hitting. Love it. CS

Mike L

Pound Ridge, NY

Hi Bob, Just wanted to let you know I got the cage and set it up. My 13 year old son is absolutely loving it. It took a little longer than advertised to set up (although we only had 2 people) but we figured it out. Once up my son has hit every day. It is very sturdy and the netting is solid. No problem so far with balls escaping out the bottom. The L screen works great. Love that you don’t have to anchor it in the ground and we can take it down during the winter. Overall it is a great back yard cage. Very pleased so far. Thanks, ML

Johan D

Bowling Green, KY

We like it a lot. I was able to put it up in ~1 hour by myself. I would recommend to anyone buying this cage, look at the instructions carefully so that you have the corner pieces in the correct position or the tubing will bend(not that big of a deal but it looks better if tubing is straight). Also I would make sure I don’t attach the net to the ground or Zip tie it to the tubing, because when the wind is blowing hard the net will not rip, but it may in my estimation if you try to attach it. JD

Joe P

Palatine, IL

Bob, sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I kept meaning to, but you know how life goes. Anyway, I wanted to give you a picture of the cage in the back yard. It’s a picture of Tony mowing under the cage, and you’ll see how we handle the netting. We went out and got a dozen wall hooks (the kind you screw into the wall to hang up a jacket) and a roll of duct tape, and taped one onto each pole. When it’s time to mow, he just rolls the net up and hangs it on the hangers. The duct tape will wear out eventually, but we’ll just replace it. We’ve had it up all summer and haven’t had to replace one yet. You can’t really see the hooks in the picture, but I can send you a close-up if you’d like. And just so you know, the cage has made a huge difference. Tony has always been considered a contact hitter. You can see him in the picture; he’s not a big kid. But with the cage he’s been out there every day hitting 100-150 balls, just getting a consistent swing and hitting to the back of the cage. The singles have turned into doubles and triples, and in our fall-ball playoff game last weekend he cranked a line drive over the left-center field fence at about 215 feet. Not bad for a 12-year-old who weighs about 90 pounds soaking wet! So thanks again for a fantastic product. I continue to talk it up, and if anybody wants to ask me, I’ll be happy to tell them the same. JP

Barbara T

Franklinton, NC

Hi Bob! Just wanted to check in with you regarding our cage purchase in February. My son couldn’t wait to put it up, when it arrived, he was so excited. The assembly was very easy, that the two of us were able to put it up and he could begin using it within an hour. Please, be mindful, that we are both are about 5’4″, and we had no problems with the assembly. He has been hitting in the cage just about every day since. Thank you for developing a product, even a mom/son could put together!! BT

David R

Chesapeake, VA

I am looking to purchase a spool of #21 Nylon any suggestions. It’s needed to fix holes in the net. I had a squirrel tear the thing up and I need to fix the net in several places. By the way, my sons have loved the batting cage. It has worked well in my small backyard. My middle son ended up making first team all conference last year for his hitting….thanks in to a batting cage in my backyard. Thx David

Steve B

Syosset, NY

Hi Bob, I bought a cage from you about 4 years ago I think and it has worked out real well. I did post a review on Amazon with photos (5 stars!) but wanted to send you the photos as well. The unique thing about your cage was I was able to fit it just in between my pool (covered in the photos for the Fall) and sunroom on uneven ground and in an odd shaped space that goes from 10 feet wide to about 15 feet wide. I had to dig out the hitting area to level it but other than that, it was pretty easy. I did add a little green gardening fence to cover the sunroom windows since they are within a foot to 2 feet of the cage at the narrow pitching end and a hard hit ball can “flex” the netting so they might impact the windows. I also have the First Pitch machine which is a very good product. I’ve recommended your product to lots of people so I hope some have come through for sales. Best regards, SB

Jeff S

Creve Coeur, MO

Cage is great. My son is using it everyday. Helps very much compared to small net. Nice design work. I am a mech engineer. Thanks JS

Scott K

Spring Valley, Il

I wish I knew about your batting cage a couple years ago my 12 year old is finally starting to get better at hitting. we go out to use it every day we can. SK

Darrel M

Russelville, AR

I had this cage and net from 2004 – 2010. It was awesome.

Kevin H

Mahwah, NJ

good am. I bought one of your cages back in July. I have 2 sons (11 and 13) who are obsessed with baseball. Your cage was the best purchase i have ever made for them. We live in Northern New Jersey and they have done some type of work in that cage almost everyday since we built it together. You have a great product. I am so glad i did not spend $20k building a more permanent structure in my backyard. thanks

Michael S

Central, SC

Best Christmas gift we have given our son. We have had it for 4 years an still has a lot of years left in it. I recommend this Wheelhouse batting cage to anyone with a son.

Douglas K

Sperryville, VA

Mr. DeCloss, Between my son playing baseball and my daughter playing softball we’ve really gotten a lot of use out of the 60′ cage I bought from you last year. It’s been really nice having a batting cage at home that we can just walk outside and use intead of having to drive somewhere else to use one and hope that someone else isn’t using it. I have run into a little problem though. Not one caused by your product in anyway, but one that was caused by animal. We went out to use the cage earlier this week and something has chewed several holes through the netting at the end of the cage opposite of where we have our batter’s box set up. This is the one area of the cage that see the most balls hit to it so I need to get it fixed. If I remember correctly, when I bought the cage last year you were running a special at the time of receiving a free 10’x10′ panel of cage netting with the purchase of a cage. I didn’t receive it and at the time didn’t really think it to be a big deal, but now I could really use it to repair the holes in our net. Any chance you show that in your records at the time I purchased the cage last year? If not, how much does a 10’x10′ panel cost? I bought the #21 knotted nylon netting. Thanks, DK

Richard W

Snoqualmie, WA

I highly recommend these cages. Best product for the money. We had ours for 6 years and got great use out of it.

Donnie G

Buckeye, AZ

Bob, Thanks for the email personal touches like this make the customer feel better about the purchase. I was very impressed that I would get a personal email from the owner. Ok here it is I read your frequently asked questions page and thought 50′ sounds like a the perfect length for our needs. So I jumped on it. It arrived the same week I ordered it just like you said it would. Got it out of the box pretty straight forward on how to set up. (I purchased the poles earlier in the week). Took me and a buddy about 45 minutes to set up with L-screen. The boys were itching to get some hitting in. Now here we are almost the end of the month we have hit in every day since it arrived we absolutely love it. All the kids want to come hang out so they can hit in it too. I only have one complaint I should have bought the 60 or 70′.

Marc S

Melville, NY

Hi. Bob. Since it was a few years ago I don’t really remember what the old site looked like. I will tell that it’s one of the best baseball investments we ever made. I was not sure how much my son Josh would use it but he’s in there pretty much every day. Each year it takes me less and less time to setup. Took only 20 mins this year in 40 degree March weather. I am proud to say that Josh was recruited by a few schools to play baseball and has chosen to attend a local DIII school where he has a chance to start. I also wanted to mention that J runs a baseball social media account called Bxxxx. He has over 60,000 instagram followers and over 24,000 on twitter. He uses the account to promote other baseball companies like X, Y, and Z to name a few. They have been quite pleased with the number of sales they get through his account. If interested you can reach J via email at Thanks again.

Angela T

Lake Forest, CA

Hi Bob, Thank you for the email. Here is our feedback and feel free to use this comment as needed for testimonials. I’ve also attached a couple pictures you can use if you like. “We just put our cage up today and absolutely love it! It didn’t take long to construct it- a little more than an hour, maybe 2 hours total with the L-screen included. The poles that we had to purchase were inexpensive and in-stock at Home Depot and it took my husband and one of his friends to get it done. We played with our boys for at least 2 hours today and even my teenage daughter came out to hit some balls (she’s not a ball player). The cage fits perfectly in our yard and even though it takes up most of the grass area, it doesn’t obstruct the view of our planter bed which is nice. It’s tall enough to allow for the ball to be thrown naturally and it’s nice to have the L-screen for added protection when pitching to the batter. Another plus is that there is nothing that needs to be staked into the ground. We recently had turf grass installed and you can’t put stakes through the turf (or it’s not recommended), so we couldn’t have bought something that required a stake in the ground to hold it up. Because of the shape of the structure, it is very sturdy without having to go into the ground. Overall we are very happy with this purchase and feel it is a great product at a great price.” Thanks

Bill D

Pittstown, NJ

Hi. Last year I ordered a batting cage for our travel softball team. Had great success with it and we would like to order another. I am trying to figure out what specs we ordered. I think it was 50′ and 36# netting. Any way you can look that up and confirm?

Dan B

Plover, WI

Bob, The cage is working out great. It was pretty easy to set up too. I did spend a lot of time preparing a spot to put it, but that was my choice. It would work just as well on the lawn. League and travel play for my 8 and 10 year olds has kept us busy so we haven’t used it as much as we would like, but when we have, it has been great. No worries about breaking things or lost balls. Thanks for a great product!

Sam B

Apopka, FL

Thanks Bob. I will tell you that My Daughter led her Team with her Batting average and OB%. I believe having a cage at home certainly helped that.

Bill B

Staten Island, NY

Bob, Hope all is well. Love the new website. Very easy to get around and see all of your products. Also Love the net way better than the xtender cage I had, went up easy and feel very comfortable when my son is crushing the ball that it won’t come through. I’m sure I will not need another net for quite some time but anyone who asks about where to buy a net will be directed to you. Thank you.

Chris W

Vacaville, CA

Hi Bob, It’s been almost 2 years and your Wheelhouse cage is still an important part of my son’s pre-game routine to get focused on his swing. Thanks.

John D

Simi Valley, CA

The new website is faster and looks more polished and professional. Good job with it! We have been making full use of the cage! It was a great hit with my youngest 6U team and their end of season party… worked great to keep 12 5 yr olds contained in one area!!! I’ve had a few parents ask me where I got it and Ive referred them to your site. Thanks.

Doug E

Las Vegas, NV

Bob Love our cage, website looks great!

Nick B

Kissimmee, FL

Bob, received my 60 ft. batting cage in early January box was a little beat up but everything was there. What a great product my son is hitting like never before his batting average has went from probably about 250 to 300 last year to about 650 to 700 this year. We have a friend who plays Triple A baseball, and he took my son out to the cage and they had little soft toss hitting contest, he said if he had this cage when he was growing up he would have been in it all the time he also thought it was a great product. Any way thanks for a great product at a great price. Thanks again.

Dominick M

Yonkers NY

Hey Bob. The cage is a big hit. Pardon the pun. It is the nightly meeting spot for the neighborhood kids. Thanks for everything.

Derek D

Jacksonville, FL

We purchased the 40 foot cage for our 7 year old son and I have waited 2 months to provide feedback to confirm our satisfaction. First, the installation was as easy as it gets. I completed it alone in just over 1 hour. Second, the length and width is perfect. I was worried about the 10 foot span, but it tapers out to a very comfortable 14 feet. Although this was a purchase for our son, I have spent quite a bit of time in it hitting softballs. Finally, I have been closely monitoring the cage resistance to Florida’s wind and rain. Thus far it has been of no concern and we have not had to anchor any of the conduit at all. Thank you for a great transaction and wonderful product which we look forward to spending a lot of time using. We could not be any happier!

Don W

Cibolo, TX

This cage is AWESOME! We put it up for the first time today. Everything that was written in your many testimonials is true. The kids have a great time hitting, so did I. The cage is as sturdy as any person needs. I set up my pitching machine and went through about 15 full buckets of balls today (and probably about $50 in cage fees). By the end of next month it will have already paid for itself. The balls come off of the bats hard and the poles or net just absorbs the energy from the ball and it drops to the ground. I have included a pic of our first attempt for your archive. Thanks for a great product! MSgt Don W (USAF)

Matt G

Reading, MA

Bob-I’ve been meaning to send you a note to tell you how much we love the cage we bought from you last year. We had no problems setting it last season, taking it down for winter and setting it up again last week. When we bought it I was concerned that it may be too small inside to swing comfortably. My son is 14 years old and 6’3″ tall. I spoke to you and you were confident he would have plenty of room – and you were spot on. He has plenty of space to swing. We also bought the Zooka pitching machine through you and that product has been great as well. I can’t tell you how much fun we’ve had with the cage and pitching machine. I highly recommend your company and product. You answered all of the questions we had when we were making our purchase and there were no surprises with the cage, quality of materials, set up instructions, etc. Everything was ‘as advertised’ and well done. Thanks for making such a great product and providing such great service! Thanks.

Tom D

Martinez, CA

Bob, I bought one of your batting cages in 2012. I liked it so much that I told all my youth baseball parent buddies about it and so far two of my friends have bought cages from you. My sons use the cage all the time and my high school freshman son just had baseball tryouts and made the varsity team. Anyway, I had to build a protective screen to put in front of the pitching machine because my son kept hitting the ball back at the machine and breaking things on it. After replacing both motors ($300) and pounding out some dents, I had to use both the pitching screen stand brackets (both outside brackets) on the protective screen. I want to replace the stand brackets so that we can continue to use the pitching screen. Please tell me what it would cost me to buy two of these brackets from you. We love the batting cage. Even my wife and I use it when the boys aren’t looking and I’m 60 years old. Thanks.

Joe L

Farmington Hills, MI

Hi Bob. A belated thank you for your counsel on our purchase from you earlier this summer. As you may recall from our discussion I bought a 60’ cage from you for my son’s 10th birthday present. We’ve been having a great time using the cage. The set up was easier than expected (the video you have on the website helped us lay it all out too), and it’s been fun to have. I also appreciate your advice about the netting gauge and the size of the cage—the system is really great as is without having to add on any expensive “extras.” I set up 50’ and have the pieces remaining to “expand” it as he gets older and might need more room. The L-screen has saved my bacon on more than one occasion too. My only complaint is that my arm feels like a piece of wet spaghetti because he wants me to spend all day and night throwing to him, but that’s what we got it for in the first place. Thanks again—we’ve had a great time, he’s really improving his swing and we both really appreciate it!

Jacob K

Anaheim, CA

Bob, we the K… family would like to let you know that the batting cage is awesome!!! When we first saw the boxes you shipped with the batting cage parts, we figured we had bought another throw away gimmick. Not so. After picking up the poles at Home Depot it took us approximately one hour and thirty minutes to complete the assembly. It is being utilized on a daily basis by our high school and two college sons when they are home. The day before the high school games we have the whole freshmen team over for hitting. They all think is great! The wife and I still can’t believe how sturdy and safe it is. We would also like to thank you for the extra piece of netting you sent to us. Thank you,

Jacob K

Anaheim, CA

Bob, we the K… family would like to let you know that the batting cage is awesome!!! When we first saw the boxes you shipped with the batting cage parts, we figured we had bought another throw away gimmick. Not so. After picking up the poles at Home Depot it took us approximately one hour and thirty minutes to complete the assembly. It is being utilized on a daily basis by our high school and two college sons when they are home. The day before the high school games we have the whole freshmen team over for hitting. They all think is great! The wife and I still can’t believe how sturdy and safe it is. We would also like to thank you for the extra piece of netting you sent to us. Thank you,

Cecilia B

Oceanside, CA

I just wanted to let you know how much my grandson loves his batting cage. He made the All Stars! His team came over this past Saturday and used. They loved it! My neighbor said I should start selling tickets for its use. We get so much enjoyment just seeing the kids use it so much. Thanks again for such a fantastic product for a reasonable price. Some have asked for your website and I gladly gave it to them. It is such a great buy. I would recommend it to anyone. People can’t believe the price we paid for it. It really looks good in the back yard. Our next purchase will be the pitching machine!

Scott M

Garnerville, NY

Dear Bob. My name is Scott M from Garnerville, N. Y. & I purchased your 50ft. cage approx. 6 years ago and it was an investment well worth it. I recommend this product to everyone that wants to make their child or a team a better hitter. I’m a little league coach and I use this cage for batting practices. It helped my team become the junior league champs in our town’s league. I take you product down every fall and install early spring. Due to a lot of use and I mean a lot of use, I have some holes in the net due to use, weather and some small animals (even a Hawk). Do you offer repair parts (netting & twine) if not what do you suggest to use for making repairs. I read some of the ideas that other owners use such as carpet for a back drop, I think I might try that this year. Any suggestions will be help a lot and will allow a lot more use of a fine product that you sell. Thanks again for the product.

Jeff W

Marriottsville, MD

Hi Bob, I need to purchase a replacement net for my 40′ cage. Do you ever run promotions or have discounts for replacement nets? I purchased the cage about 5 years ago and it has been great all these years. My oldest son is a senior in High school now and will attend Millersville University next year to play baseball. I also have a son who is a freshman in high school so I have a few years left to throw BP. Thanks

Kevin D

Columbus, IN

Hey Bob, I have been using the batting cage for about 3 months now and I has been a very important tool for my fast pitch team. What a great ideal!!! We use it 3 to 4 days a week for practice and it sets up very easy and disassembles easy as well. The only addition to the cage that I would add is an option for rubber feet for the poles so when we put it up in our warehouse (which is concrete floor) it doesn’t slide around. Thank you again for such a great product.

Jim W

Andover, MN

Hello Bob. Several years ago, I purchased a batting cage from you. We got many great years of use from it and now my sons are moving on to college. That said, I am planning to sell the cage to a family member. However, it is packed in a box and I don’t remember which net I bought from you. Is there any chance you would still have a record of what I purchased from you? My name and ship to address is; Jim W XXXX Avenue NW Andover, MN NNNNN Please let me know if you can track down my order. Thanks for providing a GREAT product! Kind Regards,

John G

Painesville, OH

Hi Bob. My 13 year old son and I set up the cage yesterday. It was very easy and I am quite pleased with it. I love the roominess inside. It certainly attracted a lot of attention in the neighborhood. They were hitting way past dark and asked if I could find a way to light it up for them. Another project for another day……. One problem I received 4 base connectors for L-screen 90 degree angle and was short 2 side connectors one angle greater than 90 degree. At this time I was only able to set up 60′ of my 70′ cage. Can you please get back to me on how we can take care of this. Thank you,

James W

Jeffersonville, IN

I want to commend you on a quality product. We have utilized the cage since April (it is October 7th as I write this). It has handled the weather just fine here in the Louisville, KY area. We did leave the vertical legs loose and on a couple of occasions my wife and oldest son (11) and I lowered one side of the cage when some severe thunderstorms were forecast for the next day. I am very pleased with the decision to purchase your cage system and would recommend it to anyone looking for a economical, easy to set up, seasonal cage. Thanks again and best wishes.

John D

Ridgefield, CT

Still enjoying the batting cage a year and one half later. It provides great goal for soccer as well. Regards.

Richard B

Thiells, NY

Good Morning Bob, I hope all is well. This is the 3rd year I and setting up and using your Batting cage, my 3 children, I, and all there friends love it, Great Great product. I am a cautious shopper and it took me about 6 months of research to decide on a batting cage, I am so happy with my decision, your batting cage is perfect. I am glad I went with the heavier gauge netting, just a few bucks more it is so worth it, also the flexibility of the legs on the cage is great, we can make the cage wider or narrower depending on the circumstance. We live in New York State and we get 3 season out off the batting cage every year (Spring, Summer and Fall), batting cage goes up in the middle of March and comes down at the end of November. Once again great product, you can not go wrong with this batting cage, I personally believe its worth so much more then I paid. Thank You. Please feel free to use me as a reference if needed. Thank You.

Steve G

Apex, NY

Bob, Thank you for the fast shipment of our recent order of a full 70′ pitching/batting cage. The packaging was neat, all the parts were inside, and the instructions clear. Set up was simple and my son and I finished in just under an hour. The quality appears excellent and I have no doubt that it will provide years of durable use. Since getting the cage up, my son has used it every day for tee work and we are starting to gear up our summer/fall pitching regiment in preparation for his sophomore HS season. The work he puts in at home will have big dividends for him on the hill and at the plate. Having it in the back yard means no excuses for extra reps and it will save a ton of time and money driving to local cages and the indoor machine hit facility. Besides, its fun. I am sure I will hit a few myself. Thanks again for the fast and courteous service!

Sean M

Damascus, MD

Been meaning to respond. The cage has been great. My kids (14, 10) ask me to pitch to them all the time. The netting, poles and connectors work very well. The poles do deaden the balls as they drop down harmlessly. I did have some ground stakes from a previous cage that was destroyed by wind. The poles that I purchased from Home Depot fit perfectly into the ground stakes and wind has not been a problem at all. Great purchase and have recommended others to your product.

Tracy L

Sacramento KY

Thanks, we ordered the batting cage earlier this year. We have it inside our building behind our house. My 10 year old loves it and we are now able to have his batting/pitching trainer come here to our house. Good quality!!

Michael B

Indian Trail, NC

Hello Bob, I wanted to take a minute and comment on the batting cage we purchased from you. We have been very satisfied with the cage thus far. We pretty much left it up all winter without any problems. We did take some of the suggestions and tied it down at each conduit and on each end. Also some strapping of the net so that it didn’t move around in the wind. We have used bungee straps every so often to keep the net off the ground when not in use. We love the way the conduit gives upon impact reducing any ricochet. I would recommend your product to anyone, it is well worth the money. Thanks.

Michelle S

Old Saybrook, CT

Hello Bob, thank you so much for designing an excellent batting cage. We are really enjoying it as a family and our batting average is also getting better.\ It was very easy to assemble. Thank you so much!!

Rand S

Stouffville, ON, Canada

Hi Bob, just wanted you to know that we put up the batting cage on Saturday and it’s terrific. I’m the least handy guy around but with some help from my wife, we got it put together very easily and it took way less time than I thought it would. My son has hit every day since it went up and he’s thrilled about it. He wasn’t happy when we moved out of the city last summer to a bigger property in the country but he’s not complaining now that he has a 70′ batting cage in his backyard! Take care.

Scott S

West Islip, NY

Bob, I want to thank you again for all of your help and support. I assembled the net on Sunday and it works great. Only took me an hour and a half by myself. It could not have been easier. My boys can’t get enough of the cage and are begging me to pitch to them. I guess I need to invest in a pitching machine. I have already recommended you to several of my friends and families of the boys I coach. Thanks again.

Mike D

Bonita, CA

Bob, I have had the cage now for about two weeks, it works great! It was very easy to put together, I almost put it together by myself, I only needed help getting the net straight. My son and his friends love it, it’s very strong and holds up well to hard hit balls. Thanks for the great product!

Dave D

Simpsonville, SC

Bob, we have had the cage for just over a month now and it has been working out great. I selected the wheelhouse cage for two primary reasons: 1) It is freestanding. Does not require tie downs and does not require anchoring in to the ground. 2) It can be taken down fairly easily for the winter. I assembled it in about an hour with the help of my 10 and 12 year old. We have been getting a lot of use out of it and it seems like it will be quite durable overtime. Thanks,

Joe G

Riverview, FL

Sir, I purchased a 60′ cage in January 2011 from Cages Plus. I shopped around quite a bit, everything from permenant structures to buying my own netting. Mr. DeCloss sold me on this product and it has been everything he said it would be and more. The cage took me alone less than an hour to assemble. The netting has lasted through hot summers and some high winds for over 4 years and it still has the same feel and tensile strength as when it was delivered. I have taken the cage down, moved it to control the grass growth, and transported it. I would recommend this stop be your last. The best quality of this design is the safety that it provides. By using the EMT poles and the thin netting, there is very little ricochet. This was the most affordable, high quality, batting cage I have been in and have used. I have recommended this cage to many other coaches, friends, and even home improvement workers that have asked about it. Please don’t waste anymore time looking. You found it here. If I was more computer savvy I would have posted the above review for your website. Great product, really. I phoned you today asking how to get more twine for some holes in the netting that I believe were caused by some wild animals. Also, the L Screen needs to be patched as well because my sons have worn that out and I want to remain safe (smile). So, if you have some twine and maybe a small patch of netting that I can sew into the L Screen, that would be great. Please ship it when you can and let me know how much I owe you. Thanks again for a great product. Now all I need to do is keep my arm in shape.

Rob G

New Milford, CT

Bob, Hope all is well. Great talking to you this morning. I just need one 4 way attachment for the side of the cage. On a side note, I believe my buddy Phil Mascia just purchased a new batting cage from you last week. Hope all went well. Your batting cage and your professionalism is unbelievable. Thanks again for a great product. I’ll continue telling my friends about this batting cage. Thanks,

John C

Sugar Land, TX

Hello Bob, Just wanted write you to let you know that we love the batting cage we ordered from you. I took your advice about cutting the legs in half and using sleeves to put them together whenever we want to use the cage. That way we avoid dealing with the HOA rules. The cage works exactly as your website said it would, no ricochets and we have had no problem with balls going out from the bottom of the netting. I feel it has already made a difference in improving my grandsons hitting. Thanks again,